Clown Cats by Sew Cathy Sew
Reflective trim - Add-on for any cat collar cover
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Reflective trim can now be added to any cat collar cover at the time of purchase!
To help protect birds and other wildlife, and to keep cats safe from traffic, cat fights and dog attacks - veterinarians, animal welfare and wildlife protection organisations generally advise cat owners to keep their cats inside from dusk until dawn.
Reflective strips on a cat collar cover may be useful to help locate cats when it's getting darker, and for cats that like hiding in dark places such as under cars.
Two strips of reflective material are bonded to the cat collar cover.
One strip on each side - so you can spot your cat from any angle.
Please note:
- When you order a reflective trim add-on, you must also purchase at least one cat/kitten collar cover in the same order.
- If you are ordering more than one cat collar cover and want all of them to have reflective trim, please order the same number of reflective trims as cat/kitten collar covers, for example 3 cat/kitten collar covers and 3 reflective trims.
- If you are ordering several cat/kitten collar covers in different fabric designs, but only order reflective trim for one cat collar cover, please add a note to let me know which cat/kitten collar cover you'd like to have the reflective trim added to it. Click on * Need to add a note about your order? Please type it here, thanks! * when you check out.
- Reflective trim can be added to any cat collar cover design in stock at the time you place your order, and can be added to both cat and kitten sizes.
- The photos, including the photos of a cat wearing a Clown Cats cat collar cover with the reflective trim add-on, are to illustrate the placement of the reflective trim.